APT Efforts/Position Letters
State Seal of Civic Engagement (SSCE) Support
APT/PACCCRAS Initial Civic Learning Landscape Analysis (Spring 2018)
APT/PACCCRAS Meeting Recommendations to CDE re SSCE Formation (Fall 2018)
APT/PACCCRAS SBE Letter on Agenda #5 SSCE Criteria (Sept 2019)
APT/PACCCRAS SBE Letter on Agenda #5 SSCE (Sept 2020)
APT Letter to LEAs re SSCE Support (December 2020)
APT Budget Committee Letter - State Funding for SSCE Support (June 2021)
APT Guidance Letter on CA Serves Formation (November 2022)
APT Proposed Amendments to AB 1520 to Create State Seal of Civic Engagement Resource Lead (Dr. Lee, April 2023)
Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) Support
APT/PACCCRAS Letter to IQC on Ethnic Studies (Aug 2020)
APT/PACCCRAS ESMC Subcommittee Letter to IQC Summarizing ESMC Line Item Edits (Sept 2020)
APT Letter to IQC re ESMC (Nov 2020)
APT Letter to CDE & SBE re 3rd ESMC Review (Jan 2021)
APT Letter to SBE re ESMC Implementation (Mar 2021)
Authentic Assessments through the College/Career Indicator (CCI)
APT/PACCCRAS Letter to SBE on Agenda Item #02 Developing a New Accountability System: Update on the Local Control Funding Formula (Jul 2016)
LLA Letter to CCI Work Group, to reinforce PACCCRAS CCI recommendations (May 2017)